Saturday, August 1, 2009

Wedding Shoe Ritual - Part 1: And silver sixpence in your shoe (Part 1)

There're many interesting rituals regarding wedding shoes.

Have you heard of the verse "something old, something new"?

The full text of the verse goes like this:
Something old, something new,
Something borrowed, something blue,
And silver sixpence in your shoe.

Try tucking some coins in your wedding shoe, it is believed to bring you wealth in your married life and protection against wants.
(Source: Olmert, Michael (1996). Milton's Teeth and Ovid's Umbrella: Curiouser & Curiouser Adventures in History, p.155. Simon & Schuster, New York)

The old Swedish custom carry this further. The bride will place one silver coins in her left shoe from her father, and one gold coin in her right from her mother to ensure that she will never go without. (Source:

Watch this space... we'll bring you more interesting wedding shoe rituals...